Yes. I know it's a mess. But I feel like the last way to fix that mess is complain. (but, we do offer a service for that nonetheless)
When I originally started development on Snapper (initially known as ScreenshotUtils), I thought that the clipboard would be simple. How wrong past I was. I did loads of research on solutions- and ended up using the MIT-licensed solution that the most popular screenshot viewer at this time (aptly named 'Screenshot Viewer') uses. I didn't realise it would cause so much rift and drama in the community. Turns out, their solution uses messy libraries! From AWT to Objective-C bullcrap, the best solution can only go so far. Now, I develop Snapper on a Windows computer, so my only testing was from another Windows user, a macOS user, and I. No testing failed, and it even worked with our GNU/Linux diversity hire Echo. We thought the solution was bulletproof. Now, another thing: I didn't realise 3,000 people would go out of their way to use the messy minimum viable product of a image manager that Snapper is. For some reason, people did. Many great members of the community gave detailed bug reports that our team and I have worked on fixing, culminating in Snapper 1.0.1. The update that fixes all bugs, except notably, one. The clipboard is almost the same as it was 4 months ago, but that doesn't mean we haven't been researching our asses off to find a solution that truly feels as polished and coherent as people shockingly expect Spirit Studios mods to be now. Now that 1.0.1 is released, (and many very silly bugs that didn't get flushed out with 1.0 have been patched) we can finally work on what matters. The Clipboard. Clearly the only feature that a screenshot manager should have. With this in mind, all other features will be removed. We deeply appreciate your feedback. Snapper 1.1: Clipboard Clumsiness.